NO GUNK Ingredients Index: Sesame Seed Oil (Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil).

    NO GUNK Ingredients Index: Sesame Seed Oil (Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil).

    Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil (Sesame Seed Oil)

    por Zheelana Cottam

    Rating: Great 

    INCI Name: 

    Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil.

    Sesame Seed Oil Benefits For Skin: 

    Emollient, Hydrating, Smoothing, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Irritation.

    Sesame Seed Oil Benefits For Hair: 

    Hydrating, Adds Shine, Strengthens Hair Strands, Stops Breakages, Reduces Split Ends. Anti-Dandruff. 

    Sesame Seed Oil Description: 

    Sesame seed oil is a dark, golden plant oil that is derived from Sesame seeds which act as an emollient. Just like most plant oils, sesame seed oil is rich in oleic fatty acids and linoleic fatty acids which are nourishing and moisturising to both your skin and hair. It’s emollient properties soften dry skin and smooth damaged hair. Sesame seed oil is anti-inflammatory and anti-irritation meaning it can help combat hair loss by cooling inflamed scalp and hair roots preventing hair loss. It is great if you are looking to topically combat dry scalp. Sesame seed oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties which reduces skin infection and dandruff which is caused by fungus or bacteria build up from dead skin cells. The oil can form a protective seal over hair which protects and strengthens against breakage and split ends. Sesame seed oil is also great from stopping your hair from over absorbing water when you are washing your hair. If there is too much water absorbed into a strand of hair it will expand and become weak.

    Zheelana Cottam
    Zheelana Cottam


    Zheelana is a writer based in Cardiff. She has a BA Honours in English and Creative Writing and is a certified TESOL teacher. When she isn’t out hiking in the lush Welsh countryside, she fills her days with reading, journaling, and going out for food.

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